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Disconnection and Diversions

Ask us to arrange for any disconnections of services and or diversions of any utility assets that may impact your development. We will obtain the quote and help keep the work on track to ensure your programme continues as planned.

Electrical Worker

Permanent disconnections


Permanent disconnections involve removing meters from each service and involve the excavation in the street to remove the service pipe or cable from the main service. This is generally required when a building is being demolished and ensures that groundworkers can operate safely without risk.

Temporary disconnections


Some projects require electrical, and water supplies to be temporarily disconnected and reconnected at a later date.  An electric meter can be removed and the supply cut off, and once renovations or works are complete, the electricity can be reconnected and a meter can be reinstalled. 


Water and gas supplies can also be isolated to ensure works on your project can take place safely.

There are many parties to contact when disconnections are required, and we'll ensure you each is contacted at the right time in order to ensure the disconnection takes place quickly and properly. When works are complete the supplies can be reconnected.



If you identify a mains cable, water pipe or gas pipe that is owned by a utility company and is on your development site, you may need to move it.  Its not always possible to move these assets due to cost and complexity, but in most cases we'll be able to help.  We'll ensure the design meets your needs and is the most cost effective.  This work can take a number of months to organise, so it is key to carry out checks prior to starting on site.  We can assist you here too, please check our pre-planning section.

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