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Utility Policy and Procedure advice

We can help you resolve any complaints or claims you may have with the utility companies and take an objective view on whether there is a case for  companies to answer.  We can also offer self-lay providers advice and act as a WIRS technical advisor.

Call Center Headset

Self-lay Providers


We have extensive experience in self-lay and our director Tom Pitts, was involved in the 'Code for Adoptions Water' introduction which replaced the code of practice.  This sets out the rules which all parties must adhere to when self-laying a water main.  Tom, managed the self-lay programme, design and administration during his time at Thames Water and has a great understanding of the legislation and obligations of each party.


We can support companies to obtain their WIRS accreditation and also act as a WIRS Technical Advisor.  We'll also support you from a competition and fairness perspective where you feel there are either incumbent water companies a) not performing as they are required to, b) acting in an uncompetitive way.   

Unfairly charged or overcharged


Quotes for new connections vary regionally and by service type.  Some is due to the legislation of each service type and others the location of existing assets, the amount of traffic management required and also the surface the teams need to excavate.  Some services apply an infrastructure charge for each new property connected too. These would be the main cost drivers.


We can help ensure that quotes have been produced in line with published charges, that discounts and credits have been applied where due. 


We've saved customers as much as fifty percent on their water quote where infrastructure charges had been incorrectly added to a quote.


Send us an email or give us a call if you need support with any of these things.

Utility company complaints and claims


If you have paid a water, gas or electrical company for new connections work and they have not performed as you feel they should or have missed their service level agreements you may be due some compensation.  In some cases, this may be a guaranteed compensation payment, usually a published fixed fee.  If you have incurred losses as a result of poor performance, maybe for loss of rental income, it may be possible to recover some of this by substantiating your losses in the for a claim.

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